This is the blog of Martin and Caroline as they go out and see some of the world

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Now it's time to panic

Time seems to have flown VERY quickly and what do you know, this time tomorrow we will have barged our way through the rush hour London commuters with our backpacks and be settled on the train to London to start our trip.
The 1st leg is London to Brussels then Brussels to Cologne.  We have an overnight train to take us from Cologne to Warsaw but no chance of a decent night’s sleep as it is reclining chairs! That takes care of Friday.
Saturday we arrive in Warsaw and have a few hours to see the sights and have some dinner before we head off from Warsaw to Moscow overnight. This time we are travelling 1st class, but not by choice it is just because that was all that was available when we booked but after a night on reclining chairs I think we will need it.

There is just time for some last minute checking, double checking and triple checking we have everything and then it is just one more sleep to go .......

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